Thursday, January 28, 2010

Anticipated Release: Alcest | Écailles de Lune

1. Écailles De Lune (part I)
2. Écailles De Lune (part II)
3. Percées De Lumière
4. Abysses
5. Solar Song
6. Sur L'Océan Couleur De Fer

I am extremely pumped for this as the INCREDIBLE song
"Percées De Lumière" off their recent split is on this record. I say it's that good and I only heard it once. I decided not to listen to it again because I heard a rumor it was going to be on the full length and sure enough THERE IT IS. Also, the album artwork above looks fantastic. I shall be hunting down a vinyl of this for sure. I don't believe there's a set release date yet.

For an updated list of things I've been listening to lately, just know that I've now heard the new Eluvium album and it's very good. I'll most likely be making a blog post about it in the coming weeks. I'm just waiting on a CD cover for the new Rosetta to make an official "Anticipated Release" or "I CAN'T FUCKING WAIT FOR THIS CD" post.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Immanu El

As I wait for the many fantastic records to be released this year I have to settle for other awesome records that have already come out. Over the month of January, Sweden's Immanu El has won my heart over with both of their full lengths, They'll Come, They Come, and Moen. Beautiful post rock/indie with heartfelt and emotional singing, shades of shoegaze and 90s alternative. Perfect.

Other bands I've been listening to lately:
The Gathering

The Unwinding Hours