Friday, June 25, 2010

Heaven In Her Arms | Paraselene

Note: I'm drunk.

Over a year ago I made a blog post about Heaven In Her Arms' last release, a very solid four song ep which was a follow up to an even more solid debut full length.

Come June 2010. The new record, Paraselene is now available for listening. For my ears. Will this be another solid screamo record with proper dramatic Envy b-sides from A Dead Sinking Story?

You would think.


In 54 minutes Paraselene showcases one of the darkest cds to come out this year. Don't question. This record is DARK. The atmosphere is unlike 95% of anything the genre of screamo has reached. In fact...this record is essentially only 5% screamo.

Through the 8 tracks on this record, which all run into one another, making it sound literally like it could be one huge ass track, the CD delves into several different genres and sounds that aren't normally apparent in screamo.

Sludge. Doom. Funeral doom. Drone. Atmospheric black metal. Post-rock.

It's a true sit-down-and-LISTEN type record. It deserves the full attention of your brain and the work of your ears. They will not be disappointed.

Heaven In Her Arms attempted at setting themselves apart with this record. They've succeeded. I only hope they receive the recognition and appreciation they deserve with Paraselene. I'm thinkin' top 10 material here. Listen to this record. I mean REALLY listen to it.

If you do that, this will as well appear in your top 10 albums of the year.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

I can't...

When I cannot, or I say I can't or cannot, it can mean a lot of different things. I'll break it down for you.
I can't...

believe what I'm hearing.


I cannot ever amount to the greatness of...

I cannot can.

I can't not feel an unbelievable amount of emotions because of...

I can't wrap my mind around the quality of unbelievable-ness...

So on and so forth.

With Insomniac Doze, one of my favorite records of all time...