Sunday, September 28, 2008

It All Comes Down To Tomorrow

This has absolutely nothing to do with music, but with the fate of The New York Metropolitans. Tomorrow is the last regular season game. They are tied for first in the NL Wildcard with the Milwaukee Brewers. The Brew Crew is pitching C C Sebathia on three days rest, and Oliver Perez, who pitched awful in his last offering, will start for the Mets.

The Phillies won the NL East, which makes me cringe more than hearing Converge play music, but right now, I'm excited to hopefully compete against them in the Playoffs. Depending on what happens tomorrow, you will either see a triumphant blog post, or a dismal as all fuck blog post. Randy Moss cannot wait to see the outcome.

Now onto a more musical note: dredg.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

worst team ever