Friday, September 26, 2008

Envy Playlist

Japanese screamo band, Envy are in my top 10 of all time. They released my favorite EP since Hopesfall's No Wings To Speak Of last year called, Abyssal. This year they've released two splits. The first split was with Jesu, and the second is the highly talked about Thursday/Envy split which is amazing.

I realized that if I took all the songs from these three Envy releases, and puzzled together an appropriate track listing, this could have been another masterpiece full length. So I went ahead and did just that. Here's what my track listing is for this playlist. It's 60 minutes, 10 songs.

1. Isolation of a Light Source - Thursday split
2. All That's Left Has Gone To Sleep - Abyssal EP
3. Conclusion Of Existence - Jesu split
4. Pure Birth and Loneliness - Thursday split
5. Thousand Scars - Abyssal EP
6. A Winter Quest For Fantasy - Jesu split
7. An Umbrella Fallen into Fiction - Thursday split
8. Life Caught In The Rain - Jesu split
9. Fading Vision - Abyssal EP
10. A Road Of Winds The Water Builds - Abyssal EP


This flows pretty much perfectly. If you choose to use this order, enjoy. Hopefully the band releases another full length next year. It'll more than likely be in my top 5 of the year.


Anonymous said...

no one cares

randy moss

Chris said...


Anonymous said...

yes, haha