Sunday, December 12, 2010

#13 - Lantlôs | .neon

Yet another atmospheric black metal band, this time from Neige's other band, Lantlos. Although Alcest are much superior, this album is quite fantastic. .neon combines jazz and post rock to truly create a great atmosphere throughout this CD. It's dark and groovy bass lines almost give the album a classical progressive rock feel. Parts of this record literally remind me of Pink Floyd.

It's also somewhat refreshing to hear no neo-folk style in this album. The influence seems directly from post rock bands like Explosions In The Sky, and black metal, and jazz. Neige's vocals are also extremely haunting on this record. More-so than any of his vocals I've heard before.

His clean singing on "Pulse/Surreal" is also fantastic, and is the strong point of the record, with "Minusmensch" very close behind with its' gorgeous repeating outro and driving drums.

What's awesome is that there is still two atmospheric black metal CDs to come that are superior to this.

Can you guess what they are?

1 comment:

Corporate_Nothing said...

For the record, this is not Neige's band. This is Herbst's band, and Neige performed vocals. This album is beautiful, definitely album of the year next to Agalloch's "Marrow of the Spirit," and Herbst deserves almost all of the credit for such beautiful songwriting. Neige's vocals certainly helped make a good album become a great album, though.